What to expect at university open days and making a plan.

University Open Days

University Open days are days that Universities organise so you can visit and experience the campus first hand. You can talk through your decisions & choices on the day regarding what you would like to study with the teams available. They will be able to give you the best options that suit your requirements.

In 2020 due to covid Universities moved these open days to an online event but slowly through out 2021 they have been welcoming back prospective students to their campus’

You have the opportunity to see what the campus and the local area is like. You can talk to staff and the current students to discover what university life is like. Open days also give parents and guardians the chance to visit universities so they can help students make the right decisions. Attend talks and presentations about the university, departments, courses, student finance and more. Many universities will host workshops and taster sessions meaning you can have an idea of what the course will be like. There’ll also be tours around the campus, which often include visits to available student accommodation.

Things to forward think about and prep ready for your University Open Day trip:

  • Make sure you check out if you need to bring anything with you on the university open day itself. If you have had to buy a “free” ticket, make sure you have this printed or on your phone ready, any relevant paperwork they have requested, notepad & pen.
  • Make a list of questions that you want answers too, so that you don’t forget any when your there.
  • Research into the lecturers and courses you are interested in advance. You may a chance to meet them individually and ask more direct questions.
  • Check the schedule. Furthermore, check where you want to go on campus alongside the lectures you wish to be a part of to make it work best for you. Make yourself a schedule to work to.
  • Ensure you check out the accommodation areas and the nearby town as well as See if you get a good vibe from it all.
  • Ask the staff and students on site helping at the open day any questions. They are there to help and they want to help so don’t hold back.

If you find when you have left the university that you missed off some questions, take a look at their website where there will be contact details. This way you can get those questions answered via email/phone.

Most importantly enjoy your day and get as much information out of it as you can. Don’t forget to check out our blog on Extracurricular activities to help improve your CV.

We recommend you check out Open days as a way of checking what are available and when:


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