Graduate Cover Letter – Top Tips!
Do you find you are struggling to secure interviews? You have spent a lot of time already on perfecting your CV to impress so could this be down to your cover letter. Many companies still ask graduates to confirm their interest and their company by also supplying a cover letter.
Creating an amazing cover letter provides you with a chance to really shine, so you now need to focus and impress!
Our key tips to getting it write include the following:
1, Make sure you know who you are sending the letter to, get the information from the start right.
2, Be very specific in the letter, focusing on your key skills that match what the client is looking for, never make anything up and make sure you can back up these key points when they invite you to interview. Research the business and get a good feel for their culture so this can be added to your letter so they know you have really made the effort to get to understand who they are.
3, Use correct grammar, no slang words, focus on creating a professional document that will impress.
4, Always begin with Dear Mr/Mrs – try and find out the person who will receive the application. If you really can’t find the name of the contact your cover letter is addressed to, don’t be afraid to put ‘Sir/Madam’ or ‘Recruitment Manager’.
5, Get someone to check the letter for you. We can all make mistakes and even the best proof readers can miss the odd word or spelling. Ask people you know have excellent attention to detail after you have checked yourself.