Top interview tips

5 Top tips for interviews

  1. Research the company and the industry

Often companies will ask you for your understanding on the industry they operate in and the competitors they face. It is always good to research the company and industry as it will give you better knowledge on the type of work they do.

  • Dress Code

First impressions are important in any interview, so you need to look the part for the employer. Turning up in tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt would give off a negative impression to the company you have an interview for as it does not show you have made an effort. Whereas if you dress smart with trousers and a shirt or perhaps a suit, this will show the emp0looyer you have made an effort for them and gives a positive first impression.

  • Sell yourself!

No one knows yourself better than you, so do not be afraid to show the employer why you are a good fit for the position you have applied for. Tell the interviewer why you want that job. Let them know what interests you about it, what rewards it offers that you find valuable, and what abilities it requires that you possess.

  • Body Language

Having good body language can include making eye contact, giving a firm handshake, having great posture and speaking clearly. Positive body language displays to the employer that you are confident. If you speak quietly, shrugged over and struggle to make eye contact then the employer may struggle to see how you can fit within their company. This may not always be an easy for everyone, but the only easy to get better will be to practice. The more you practice, the more you will gain confidence when speaking to people you are not familiar with. This could help give you the edge over other candidates at interview stage.

  • Ask Questions!

When getting to the end of any interview you will always be asked if you have any questions you would like to ask. Although this might not seem like a big deal, it is key to always ask questions at the end. This shows that you have clearly listened throughout the interview, have taken an interest and shows that you would like to find out more about the company/ interviewer. Even if you find yourself at the end of an interview with no questions to ask because they have covered all angles, it is always good to ask a couple. Asking the interviewer a direct question is always good as they then have to talk about themselves. For example, “From your perspective, what is the company culture like on a day to day basis?”.  This allows them to see how they view the company from their perspective, as well as showing you have taken a keen interest.